You moving date will arrive before you expect it! You want to keep in mind that the key to moving successful and without stress is by preparation. When you take the time to get ahead of your packing and organizing you will have to much less to stress about when your moving day arrives. Yet where do you begin? Elite Moving and Storage has a few tips on how to keep calm and pack on for your next big (or small) move. Moving doesn’t start with any actual packing, it starts by having the right materials and plan to get things done correctly. You don’t want to be scrambling in your finals days and throwing things pell mell into boxes. Instead, you can know that you are ready and calming stack your boxes in wait for a moving company Los Angeles to load them onto a truck. Without further ado, here’s a few tips we have gathered over the years to make things easy for you:
Order more boxes than you think you will need!
When it comes to packing, its way better to be over prepared than a few boxes short when you need one. Having extra boxes can be life saving especially when you decide that the items you thought should be packed together might do better in separate spaces. You want to have more boxes than you think you will need so that you won’t have to go out and buy more at the last minute. You also won’t want to have to shove stuff into suitcases and reusable grocery bags because you’re short on boxes. When it comes time to load the moving truck you will be happy that you can easily stack your uniform boxes instead of bags.
Get boxes of different sizes
When you are purchasing boxes you should make sure that you grab a variety of sizes, Think about the shape and size of the items in your home that need to be packed. You may need more large boxes than small or small boxes than large. You can also get boxes that are specifically meant to transport your wardrobe.
Don’t Forget Other Supplies
If you have enough boxes, that great! However, you don’t want to forget that you may need other supplies. Things like tape are going to go faster than you expect. If you need to buy tape specifically for your packing them make sure your get strong packaging tape as well as an extra roll. You’ll be going through yards of tape if you are securely closing and sealing your boxes. You’ll also want to get packaging paper or bubble wrap. These will be a god send when you are packing away glassware and kitchen flatware. You don’t want to get to your new place only to find that you don’t have any intact mugs, plates or glasses.
When you big day comes don’t bother with depending on friends or family to help you haul the contents of your home. Instead hire the dependable and experience team of movers at Elite Moving and Storage. We have years of experience in moving residents of Los Angeles. Give us a call today to set up your moving date (888) 693-9080.