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Cleaning Out Your House Before Moving

You have decided to move to a new, bigger house. It’s a change of scene. Moving to a new house might be something that you need to start a new life. You have studied the pros of hiring one of the best moving companies in Los Angeles and chose to use a moving service. The moving date has been set up. What’s next?

Best Moving Companies in Los Angeles Recommend Tackling the Clutter

Packing may be stressful. But there’s another stressful thing that you need to be aware of that’s still related to moving. And that is cleaning out your house. Of course, you can choose to hire some help to clean out your former dwelling. But you may find these tips helpful to clean out your house before moving.

De-clutter Your Things

This is one of the first things you must do before you even pack. You can sweep or vacuum your house. Go through the clutter you have collected throughout those years. Check those papers or old receipts lying on the ground or cabinet. Throw them away or shred them if they have your details. When you take care of the clutter, it’ll be a lot easier for you to find the stuff that you need to pack, donate, or get rid of. If you need further help in decluttering your house, you may check out this guide.

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Collect and Recycle the Garbage

After you have de-cluttered your house, you can start collecting the garbage and recycling some of the items. Don’t just throw anything. Make sure to sort them through. Donate your old clothes. The electronic items that you no longer use must be disposed of properly. Then, make sure to recycle some of them.

Wash Your Clothes

Make sure that you have washed your dirty clothes before you move. However, there are dirty clothes that you need to pack. But you don’t want to pack piles of laundry and bring them to your new house. And the dirty clothes that you can no longer wash before moving can be placed in one box or luggage.

Clean the Kitchen and Bathroom First

The dirtiest parts of your house are your kitchen and bathroom. Hence, you should clean them first. You’ll feel great about it once you have finished cleaning them. Wipe down the countertops and clean the cupboards. Make sure to clean your refrigerator and the front of the oven, too.

Don’t Save it for the Last Minute

As you pack your things, you should clean them afterward. Don’t save the cleaning part for the last minute.

What to do Next?

Call one of the best moving companies in Los Angeles to schedule your moving date. Then, make sure to heed those aforementioned tips to ensure that the house is clean and is ready for new occupants. Get your moving details by calling us here: (888) 693-9080. Call us to inquire about the moving supplies you need if you choose to pack your things on your own.

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