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Our Tips for an Easy Long Distance Move

When planning for a long distance move there can be a lot to keep in mind. What sizes boxes to use, how to pack certain items, what materials to use for best protecting delicate items. It can become quite stressful to be sure that everything makes it to your new home in one piece. When it comes to moving Elite Moving and Storage has assisted plenty of clients during their transition. With those experiences in mind, we have a few tips for those of you preparing to move.

Our Tips for a Successful Long Distance Move

Plan Ahead

One of the best ways to ensure that you are doing things right is making sure that you plan. You’ll want to contact moving companies two or more months in advance to schedule your moving date. Waiting until the last minute might result in having to use your car and your friends’ to get all of your items to your new residence.


Get an Estimate

Some moving companies offer estimates for the long distance move work they will be doing. If the companies you are interested in offer estimates you should schedule them so that you can price compare. The company can take a look at the items in your home and give you a quote on how much it will cost to pack and transport your belongings.


Do Your Research

One of the biggest things people can fail to do when planning is doing a little research. Calling around to different companies to get quotes can give you an idea of the best one to go with. You can also check online reviews to ensure that the company has a good working relationship with their past clients.


Take Inventory

If you are doing the bulk of your packing you can take that time to downsize the number of things that you have. Moving is a great time to do a deep clean of the items you own. If you have lived at your current place for a few years there is a good chance that you have collected a lot of things you no longer use. Donate the clothing and gently used goods that you no longer need and revel in the lighter load that you now need to move.


Consider Your Furniture

It’s very important to be sure that the furniture that you are moving will fit into your new place. Some people upgrade their bed or couch when staying long term in their home. If you are downsizing to a small home or apartment you will want to be sure that your furniture won’t arrive and have to sit out on the curb due to it being too large.


Label Label Label

You may not think labeling is terribly important but be sure that you are doing it! Organize your belongings room by room and clearly label on each side of the box. This can be helpful when those boxes are stacked up and a label can be seen from every side. It will make your unpacking a breeze too!.


When you are ready to make your move get in touch with Elite Moving and Storage to schedule a moving date. Give us a call! (888) 693-9080

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