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Tips to Ensure Your Moving Sale is Successful

Moving may cost a lot of money. Thankfully, there are many ways to make extra money before the move. And for an affordable overall moving cost, make sure to hire the best rate moving and storage in Los Angeles — Elite Moving and Storage. 

The Best Rate Moving and Storage Recommends Moving Sale 

When you call our moving company to inquire about our rates, you’ll be surprised to know how affordable they are. Although the cost of hiring us is more affordable than when you choose other moving companies, you might still want to reduce the cost or choose to conduct a moving sale to earn some money. 

Is Garage Sale Worth It? 

The first thing that might come up is a garage sale. It’s still worth your time. However, you need to have a plan, according to Money Saving Mom. She recommends going through your house and clearing out the clutter a week before your garage sale. But garage sale isn’t the only option for you these days if you wish to earn extra money that you can use for your scheduled move. 

Choose a Local Buyer to Sell Your Jewelry 

You can cash in a lot of money when you sell gold and silver. But choose to sell your precious metals to a local gold buyer. Compared to selling it to national jewelry companies, you get a better deal when you sell those metals locally. What’s more, is that you get paid faster. It’s especially beneficial if you don’t stock gold bars. A local buyer can purchase your old jewelry, real silverware, wedding and engagement rings, among others. 

Use Online Selling Platforms for Your Clothes 

With these platforms, you can just snap a photo of your clothes and post it through an online consignment store. Or just utilize Facebook Marketplace. When you choose to sell it in an online consignment shop, you need to send in your items to the store and it will make you an offer. The best thing is that you get the payment upfront. However, not all consignment stores are like that. Some will let you wait until your clothes are sold. 

Choose Etsy if You Have Valuable Jewelry 

Selling your valuable jewelry at a garage sale isn’t a good idea. Keep in mind that garage sale shoppers are looking for cheap products. Thus, if you wish to get a decent price for your jewelry, try selling it on Etsy and other similar platforms. But Etsy is a well-known site if you wish to sell crafts and handmade items. 

Call Our Moving Company to Schedule Your Move

You can start selling your items now so you can begin earning extra money for your move. But don’t forget to call us today to schedule your moving date. Call us here to talk to one of our representatives: (888) 693-9080. And if you wish to save money on your move, here are some of our tips from the best rate moving and storage


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